Media Authoring
with Java API

Interface SourceMob

All Superinterfaces:
InterchangeObject, Mob, SearchSource
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface SourceMob
extends Mob, SearchSource

Specifies the description of essence that is either stored in a digital form in a file or stored on a physical media, such as tape or film. The description is provided by an essence descriptor, which is either a tape descriptor, file descriptor, film descriptor, or some extended descriptor.

This described essence is immutable. If the essence changes, such as if a videotape is redigitized, a new source mob must be created with a new mob id.

Some methods exist in this interface that are only applicable for one kind of essence descriptor.

These methods will throw an exception if the wrong descriptor is present.

If a source mob points to another source mob at the same rate (or non-picture), then appendPhysicalSourceReference() is used to create the relationship.

If a source mob points to picture on another source mob at a different sample rate, then addPulldownReference() is used to create the relationship, and the pulldown which describes how to map between the two rates.

If a source mob is the end of the derivation chain for a particular track, then addNilReference() should be called for that slot, to say that that the slot does exist on this source mob. For example, a video file mob with no derivation would have a single slot of type video, with an original source reference to show that video exists and was not derived from anything else on record.

Richard Cartwright
See Also:

Field Summary
static long FULL_RANGE
          Represents a length where an actual length value is not known.
Method Summary
 void addNilReference(int slotId, long length, DataDefinition dataDefinition, Rational editRate)
          Adds a slot containing an original source reference to this source mob.
 void addPulldownReference(AppendOption addType, Rational editRate, int slotId, DataDefinition essenceKind, SourceReferenceValue sourceReference, long sourceReferenceLength, PulldownKindType pulldownKind, int phaseFrame, PulldownDirectionType direction)
          Connects the given source mob with the physical source mob that describes the previous generation of essence, with an additional pulldown as part of the reference to indicate a non 1 to 1 relationship between the two.
 void appendEdgecodeSlot(Rational editRate, int slotID, long startEC, long length, FilmType filmKind, EdgeType codeFormat, byte[] header)
          Creates and adds an edgecode slot to the film mob represented by this source mob, with the given starting edgecode, length and edit rate.
 void appendPhysicalSourceReference(Rational editRate, int slotId, DataDefinition essenceKind, SourceReferenceValue reference, long sourceReferenceLength)
          Connects this source mob with the physical source mob that describes the previous generation of essence, appending it to the existing mob chain.
 void appendTimecodeSlot(Rational editRate, int slotId, TimecodeValue startTimecode, long length)
          Creates and adds a timecode slot to a tape mob represented by this source mob, with the given starting timecode, length and edit rate.
 EssenceDescriptor getEssenceDescriptor()
          Returns the essence descriptor of this source mob, which describes the format of the essence associated with the source mob.
 void newPhysicalSourceReference(Rational editRate, int slotId, DataDefinition essenceKind, SourceReferenceValue sourceReference, long sourceReferenceLength)
          Connects this source mob with the physical source mob that describes the previous generation of essence, appending it to the existing mob chain.
 void setEssenceDescriptor(EssenceDescriptor essence)
          Sets the essence descriptor of this source mob, which describes the format of the essence associated with the source mob.
 void specifyValidCodeRange(DataDefinition essenceKind, int slotId, Rational editRate, long startOffset, long length)
          Creates and adds a slot containing source clips to the source mob to indicate that a (recently added) timecode slot or edgecode slot is valid for that channel.
Methods inherited from interface tv.amwa.maj.iface.Mob
appendAttribute, appendAttribute, appendComment, appendComment, appendKLVData, appendNewEventSlot, appendNewStaticSlot, appendNewTimelineSlot, appendSlot, changeReference, cloneExternal, copy, countAttributes, countComments, countKLVData, countSlots, getAttributes, getComments, getCreateTime, getKLVData, getMobID, getModTime, getName, getSlotAt, getSlots, getUsageCode, insertSlotAt, lookupSlot, offsetToMobTimecode, prependSlot, removeAttribute, removeComment, removeKLVData, removeSlotAt, setCreateTime, setMobID, setModTime, setName, setUsageCode
Methods inherited from interface tv.amwa.maj.iface.InterchangeObject
countProperties, createOptionalPropertyValue, disableGenerationTracking, enableGenerationTracking, getDefinition, getGeneration, getGenerationAUID, getProperties, getPropertyValue, isGenerationTracked, isPropertyPresent, omitOpionalProperty, setPropertyValue
Methods inherited from interface tv.amwa.maj.iface.SearchSource

Field Detail


static final long FULL_RANGE

Represents a length where an actual length value is not known.

See Also:
appendTimecodeSlot(Rational, int, TimecodeValue, long), Constant Field Values
Method Detail


EssenceDescriptor getEssenceDescriptor()

Returns the essence descriptor of this source mob, which describes the format of the essence associated with the source mob.

Essence descriptor of this source mob.


void setEssenceDescriptor(EssenceDescriptor essence)
                          throws NullPointerException

Sets the essence descriptor of this source mob, which describes the format of the essence associated with the source mob.

essence - Essence descriptor of this source mob.
NullPointerException - The given essence descriptor is null.


void addNilReference(@SlotID
                     int slotId,
                     long length,
                     DataDefinition dataDefinition,
                     Rational editRate)
                     throws NullPointerException,

Adds a slot containing an original source reference to this source mob. This special source id indicates that the mob chain ends here, which indicates that no further record exists of where the essence was derived from. Some source clip is still required on the track to indicate that the track exists and may be referenced from other mobs.

Examples of source mobs that are not derived from a previous source of essence are:

slotId - Slot id to be assigned to the new slot.
length - Duration of the source clip to be added to the new slot.
dataDefinition - Data definition for the new slot.
editRate - Edit rate for the new slot.
NullPointerException - The given data definition and/or edit rate is/are null.
IllegalArgumentException - The given slot identifier is null
BadRateException - The edit rate is not valid.
BadLengthException - The length cannot be a negative value.
SlotExistsException - The given slot id matches that of a mob slot already present in this source mob.
See Also:


void appendTimecodeSlot(Rational editRate,
                        int slotId,
                        TimecodeValue startTimecode,
                        long length)
                        throws NullPointerException,

Creates and adds a timecode slot to a tape mob represented by this source mob, with the given starting timecode, length and edit rate. It is then necessary to call specifyValidCodeRange() to add the filler to the other essence slots to indicate that the timecode is valid for that other slots (tracks) of this mob.

The start timecode parameter is expressed in frames since midnight. The length parameter can be the value FULL_RANGE, in which case the length is 24 hours.

editRate - Edit rate of the timecode slot.
slotId - Slot id for the new timecode slot.
startTimecode - Starting timecode for the timecode slot.
length - Duration of the new timecode slot.
NullPointerException - One or both of the edit rate and/or start timecode arguments is/are null.
TapeDescriptorOnlyException - This operation is only valid for a source mob referencing a tape descriptor.
SlotExistsException - The given slot id matches that of a mob slot already present in this source mob.
See Also:
FULL_RANGE, makeTimecodeValue(), TimecodeValue specification, TimecodeValue implementation


void appendEdgecodeSlot(Rational editRate,
                        int slotID,
                        long startEC,
                        long length,
                        FilmType filmKind,
                        EdgeType codeFormat,
                        byte[] header)
                        throws NullPointerException,

Creates and adds an edgecode slot to the film mob represented by this source mob, with the given starting edgecode, length and edit rate. It is also necessary to then add an essence slot with specifyValidCodeRange() to make the new edgecode slot valid.

editRate - Edit rate for the new edgecode slot.
startEC - Starting edgecode of the new edgecode slot.
length - Length of the new edgecode slot.
filmKind - Film kind for the new edgecode slot.
codeFormat - Code for the new edgecode slot.
header - Edgecode 8-byte header for the new edgecode slot.
NullPointerException - One or more of the arguments is null.
FilmDescriptorOnlyException - This operation is only valid for a source mob referencing a film descriptor.
BadSizeException - The size of the header is not the required 8 bytes.
BadLengthException - The length value is negative.
SlotExistsException - The given slot id matches that of a mob slot already present in this source mob.
See Also:
makeEdgecodeValue(), EdgecodeValue specification, EdgecodeValue implementation


void specifyValidCodeRange(DataDefinition essenceKind,
                           int slotId,
                           Rational editRate,
                           long startOffset,
                           long length)
                           throws NullPointerException,

Creates and adds a slot containing source clips to the source mob to indicate that a (recently added) timecode slot or edgecode slot is valid for that channel.

The essence kind parameter requires a data kind with valid for an essence stream. Valid data kinds are:

essenceKind - Data kind for the slot to be added.
slotId - Slot id for the slot to be added.
editRate - Edit rate for the slot to be added.
startOffset - Start offset for the slot to be added.
length - Duration of the source clip in the slot.
NullPointerException - One or both of the edit rate and/or essence kind arguments is/are null.
BadLengthException - The given length for the new source clip is negative.
SlotExistsException - The given slot id matches that of a mob slot already present in this source mob.


void appendPhysicalSourceReference(Rational editRate,
                                   int slotId,
                                   DataDefinition essenceKind,
                                   SourceReferenceValue reference,
                                   long sourceReferenceLength)
                                   throws NullPointerException,

Connects this source mob with the physical source mob that describes the previous generation of essence, appending it to the existing mob chain. If a physical source mob, such as a file source mob or tape source mob, references another physical source mob as its ancestor, with no pulldown, then this function makes the connection between the two.

This is a helper method to create a slot with a source clip referencing a particular piece of media.

The ancestor of a source mob with a file descriptor is often a tape descriptor.

The essenceKind parameter requires a data kind valid for an essence stream. Valid data kinds are:

editRate - Edit rate of the slot to contain the reference.
slotId - Slot ID of the slot to contain the reference.
essenceKind - Data kind of the slot to contain the reference.
reference - Reference to a physical source mob.
sourceReferenceLength - Length of the referenced source clip.
NullPointerException - One or more of the nullable parameters is/are null and all are required.
BadLengthException - The source reference length is negative.
InvalidDataDefinitionException - The given data definition is not compatible with that of the slot this element will be appended to.
SlotExistsException - The given slot id matches that of a mob slot already present in this source mob.


void newPhysicalSourceReference(Rational editRate,
                                int slotId,
                                DataDefinition essenceKind,
                                SourceReferenceValue sourceReference,
                                long sourceReferenceLength)
                                throws NullPointerException,

Connects this source mob with the physical source mob that describes the previous generation of essence, appending it to the existing mob chain. If a physical source mob, such as a file source mob or tape source mob, references another physical source mob as its ancestor, with no pulldown, then this function makes the 1 to 1 connection between the two.

This is a helper method to create a slot with a source clip referencing a particular piece of media.

The ancestor of a source mob with a file descriptor is often a tape descriptor.

The essence kind parameter requires a data kind valid for an essence stream. Valid data kinds are:

editRate - Edit rate of the slot to contain the reference.
slotId - Slot id of the slot to contain the reference.
essenceKind - Data kind of the slot to contain the reference.
sourceReference - Reference to a physical source mob.
sourceReferenceLength - Length of the referenced source clip.
NullPointerException - One or more of the nullable arguments is/are null and all are required.
BadLengthException - The given source reference length is negative.
SlotExistsException - The given slot id matches that of a mob slot already present in this source mob.
See Also:


void addPulldownReference(AppendOption addType,
                          Rational editRate,
                          int slotId,
                          DataDefinition essenceKind,
                          SourceReferenceValue sourceReference,
                          long sourceReferenceLength,
                          PulldownKindType pulldownKind,
                          int phaseFrame,
                          PulldownDirectionType direction)
                          throws NullPointerException,

Connects the given source mob with the physical source mob that describes the previous generation of essence, with an additional pulldown as part of the reference to indicate a non 1 to 1 relationship between the two.

This is a helper method to create a slot with a pulldown object which references a source clip, which references a particular piece of media. This method takes many parameters because the components of a pulldown have been broken out as separate parameters.

The ancestor of a source mob described by a tape descriptor is often a film descriptor.

addType - Overwrite existing slot sequence, or create a new sequence and append it.
editRate - Edit rate of slot to contain the reference.
slotId - Slot ID for the slot to contain the reference.
essenceKind - Data kind of slot to contain reference. Requires a data kind valid for an essence stream. Valid data kinds are DataDefinitionConstant.Picture and DataDefinitionConstant.Sound.
sourceReference - Reference to a physical source mob.
sourceReferenceLength - Length of the referenced physical source mob.
pulldownKind - Method of conversion used between this physical source mob and this source mob.
phaseFrame - Phase of the first frame.
direction - Direction of the pulldown operation.
NullPointerException - One or more of the nullable arguments is/are null and all are required.
PulldownDirectionException - The given pullown direction is invalid in this context, for example tape to film speed when this is a tape source mob.
BadLengthException - The given source reference length cannot is negative.
NotSourceClipException - The existing contents of the given slot does not contain a source clip to add a pulldown reference to.
SlotExistsException - The given slot id matches that of a mob slot already present in this source mob.
See Also:
SourceClip, Pulldown, Sequence

Media Authoring
with Java API

(c) 2007-2008 Richard Cartwright, all rights reserved. Subject to the terms of the AAF SDK Public Source License.